Saturday, March 12, 2016

Threadless Marvel tee shirt contest for 2016

Threadless is doing a Marvel Tee Shirt contest for all of 2016.  I started jumping up & down when I read the news.  And, as luck would have it, the first batch of characters up include my favorite- Daredevil.

So here's what I came up with: "The Devil of Hell's Kitchen".

Every month they are adding 4 different characters to do so this will definitely keep me busy for the remainder of the year, --Lance

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Society 6 Store launch

Happy to announce my store at Society 6

Here are some tee shirts made for spring! Baseball is back!   

"Monsta"- should be big in Boston.
"Monuments"- should be big in New York.
"The Friendly Confines" - should be big in Chicago.

As usual much, much, much more work to do on my store -and artwork of course, --Lance